Over the past few days I've been reminded of the power of words. With my mouth I have the power to bless and curse others. We hold words of life and death in our tongue. In James 3, it says that our tongue directs our whole body, and that it has the power to destruct our whole body if we do not control it. Although this is a dangerous powerful tool, it can also be used to bless and encourage others. When we choose to speak negatively about another person we are actually speaking words of death over them. But if we choose to encourage and build up, then we are speaking life. Also, by encouraging others you are actually calling them up to their identity.
Ephesians 4:29 says "Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as it fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear." My mom made my siblings and I memorize this verse when we were younger to teach us the power of our words.
Since yesterday was Father's Day, I thought I'd take some time to tell you about my Dad and speak words of life over him. My Dad is one of the most selfless people I know. He consistently looks out for other's interests before his own. (see Philippians 2:2-4). He is always looking for ways to serve our family. And he does so without complaining or calling attention to himself. What a picture of the way Jesus serves! I am so challenged by this.
My Dad is quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry (see James 1:19). He weighs the value of his words before he speaks and is so patient with others. He is so consistent and steady. He is not swayed by his emotions or circumstances. Because of that, he is trustworthy and safe!
My Dad also takes care of our family so well. He is responsible and loyal. He pays attention to the details and doesn't overlook things. He is so faithful to the tasks God has given him. He is also so faithful to our family. Dad, I'm so thankful for you today! Thank you for serving and taking care of us well! You are purposeful, simple, and powerful. And you guard/protect others well because you know the value in them! I love you!
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