Although my mom doesn't need a holiday for me to tell her how great she is, I thought today seemed appropriate to post about her. If you don't know my mom I hope this gives you a glimpse of who she is. If you do, well, maybe you'll learn something new.
First off, my mom has one of the most incredible stories. Hearing her talk of Jesus' redemption has changed my life. I am reminded of Psalm 40:2 when I think of her testimony. It says "He drew me up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure." Although she came from a broken place, she responded to Jesus and was saved by such sweet grace! Because of her decision to follow Jesus, she has paved the way for our whole family to walk in a new heritage. A heritage of freedom and grace. What a blessing to come after such a woman!
My mom is the best planner I know. She is able to see the big picture and plan accordingly. She is organized, thorough and always one to check all the options before making a decision. This enables her to make submitted decisions that impact her and those around her in the best ways. I have felt so covered by my mom as she has helped me through so many processes. She has taught me to weigh the consequences and benefits before moving forward. Because of her I have learned how to exercise discernment in decision making.
My mom is also one of the best communicators I know. She was a speech teacher for several years and taught me most of what I know about communicating. How appropriate that I'm now a communications major. Some of my favorite memories with my mom were when she homeschooled me in middle school and coached me in forensics & debate. It was during that time that I realized that she is always 100% behind me and for me. I'm thankful for ways she taught me how to communicate and walk in confidence!
My mom is so good at taking care of people. My mom pays attention to the little details, but she also empowers people to do things on their own. Because she knows life doesn't depend on her, she is good at equipping people with tools to succeed and practical ways to walk out in their gifts. She knows the balance between taking care of me and teaching me to do things myself. Thank you mom for teaching me well.
She's also really good at what she does. She recently accepted a position as director of a local nonprofit! Check out their home page here.
Mom, I hope you feel honored today! I love you. (And thanks for being one of my 3 blog followers. :))
As one of your Mom's oldest friends, I can share that she is one of the most remarkable women that I know. We met in the second grade, Ms. Kennedy's class. As the years went by we became closer until finally in middle school, 7th grade, we decided to be BEST friends and were inseparable. We shared so many secrets, giggles and girl time memories. I was so sad to leave her when my family moved from Palo Alto to Aptos in the 9th grade. We stayed in touch via letters and rare but treasured visits. I will always count my friendship with her as one of my greatest blessings.